I’m sorry for disappearing all week. More on that below. otherwise, here’s the news!
  • We Happy Few is delayed
  • God of War won’t have season passes
  • Accounting+ Review

We Happy Few Delays
To the surprise of no one, the horror survival game has been delayed once more. The developers released a video today making the announcement. They believe the the first 2 hours of the campaign aren’t good representations of the game, and want to rework that. To make it up to fans, the also teased the second playable character, Sally.

God of War Seasonless Pass
The game’s director, Cory Balrog, stated in a Tweet that the upcoming God of War game will not have season passes. He also stated that he is having a lot of fun with the game, but that isn’t important to the news part of things. Whether this means that the game won’t have post-launch DLC, or just that the DLC it will have wont be bundled into a season pass style thing remains unknown. Time will tell.

Accounting+ VR Review
I wrote another review recently, this time for the Justin Roiland (Rick and Morty creator) written VR title, Accounting+. I also did a 2 part video of the game, going through what I think is it’s entirety. You can check out the article HERE. Here’s a hint of what I thought: not bad.

Thank you everyone for reading. I’m sorry for not posting all week. I’m going out of town and I had to kick things into gear to get everything done on time. Unfortunately this proved to be a touch exhausting, and the site got put on the back burner. If I ever manage to make writing my full time job, I promise to be MUCH better about my consistency. Come back Monday for the weekend news summed up. Otherwise, have a great night!