- Night Trap on a Nintendo
- Hearthstone Game Director Resigns
- Valve Acquires Firewatch Devs
Night Trap, dododo do doo. Watch Out Behind You!
It was 25 years ago when the popular Sega game, Night Trap, released in stores. The event caused a newfound controversy with its definitions of violence and sexuality, even though both accounts of such were pretty mild. At the time, Nintendo stated that the game would never come to a Nintendo game system, due to its depiction of violence against women.
Now the game returns with a special 25th-anniversary edition converted for the Nintendo Switch. Developed by Screaming Villians, the game has no confirmed release date.
Ben Brode Leaves Blizzard
Ben Brode, the game director of Hearthstone, has announced his leave this weekend. While having loved his 15 years working for Blizzard, five of which were on Hearthstone, he has decided to pursue other ventures. You can read the full details at his Battle.net post about it.
Campo Santo is a Valve Brand Now
The developers best known for Firewatch, the first-person mystery adventure game, has been picked up by game distribution giant Valve. The studio will still finish their current project, In The Valley of the Gods, uninterrupted, but it will release as a Valve game. It seems Valve has learned that if they can’t make their own games, they can build a nice pile of devs under their umbrella. More details about the aqcuisition can be found on their blog post.
That’s all for today, folks. Check back tomorrow for the next news posting. Also, I wrote a silly article called 13 Heckin Good Boyes in Gaming, it’s about dogs. Check it out! Otherwise, have a great day!