Category: News Page 12 of 19

thelizardrock daily news tuesday

Tuesday 4-3-18: Fortnite Mobile and Chrono Trigger Fixes

How about them video games? Here’s the news.

  • Fortnite for iOS
  • Chrono Trigger Steam Fix

Fortnite Mobile

I’m sure you’ve heard about how the popular Battle Royale games have entered the mobile world. Fortnite’s iOS game has now officially launched. Before this, you could only play if invited by a friend, or with a special link. No word on the game coming to Android, only that it will happen at some point.

Chrono Trigger

Last month, I reported on a PC port of the popular SNES game silently releasing on Steam. Later on, I reported on how people hated it for being a crappy port of the mobile port. Publisher Square Enix has now made a statement, saying that they plan to resolve all of these issues, starting with reverting the game back to their original graphics. Stay tuned as this story develops.

Thanks for reading. Seeing that daily views tracker keeping consistent is rather reassuring. Check back tomorrow for more news. Otherwise, have a great night!

thelizardrock daily news monday

Monday 4-2-18: Sadokist Suspended and Delisted Items

I hope everyone had a fun Easter/April Fools’ Day. Here’s the weekend news.

  • Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is Gone
  • Sadokist Suspended for Suggesting Suicide
  • Steam Deem the Steam Machine Obscene

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

Remember the western shooter RPG? While the first few games didn’t do fantastically, their fourth game is commonly considered the best one. For some odd reason, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger has been delisted from Steam, Xbox Live, and the PlayStation Network. Owners of the game can still access their copies, and the demo listing is still live, but the game itself is gone. I emailed Ubisoft, the publisher, asking for a statement. Instead of getting a standard PR answer, they said they will look into it and to stay tuned. So … Time will tell.

Sadokist Suspended

Matthew Trivett, the popular Counter-Strike: Global Offensive commentator with the handle “Sadokist,” has been suspended from Twitch after using racist language during a livestream, and for telling a community member to commit suicide. He said the N word, with the hard R, when taunting a friend in a recent livestream. Later on, he would also tell a community member that killing themselves would be better for everyone. It’s unclear how this will affect his commentating career, moving forward. It can’t be looking too good, though.

Steam Machine

Steam Machines were the game distribution service’s attempt at selling hardware consoles. It was intended as all the power and selection of a PC, with the ease of a console. Unfortunately, no one wanted them. Their OS was problematic, it was limited to Linux games. Now the Steam listing for Steam Machine hardware has been removed. You can still access the pages for specific machines, and purchase them accordingly, but the hardware tab only lists the Controller, Steam Link, and the HTC Vive. Hide your shame, Steam.

I hope you all enjoyed the April Fools’ Post about Game Grumps, been waiting nearly a year to post that one. Check back tomorrow for more news. Otherwise, have a great night!

Does Daniel SexBomb is Not So Grump?

Danial SexBoom that grump is a idea of currently pondered. Since such a time of 2013, the online celebrity but musician is frequently considered what quiet or thoughtful person of the game brand. But how long can it found?

You may confused when many fans find out Donald FuckExplosion is grump, yet others do disagree with an idea. He said in the video start, “I am Contrary to Grouch” But on many occasions his expressed he anger and anger to his colleagues. Do you extrapolate is true? Or another lie. You confirm.

Dan Avidan Cover GG Finger Point

thelizardrock daily news friday

Friday 3-30-18: Bricked Switches and Obscure Mario Costumes

Now it actually is Friday. Here’s the news.

  • Third Party Charger Bricking Switches
  • Classic Digs with Mario Odyssey Costumes

Switch a Brick

Now that the Nintendo Switch has been out a while, a number of third-party chargers have circulated the market. The problem is that many users are reporting that these chargers are bricking their systems. After some in-depth analysis by Nathan K., a freelance hardware engineering and product development expert, we find out that it’s because the Switch is full of USB-C protocol errors. While some brands are safe, you cant trust a non-Nintendo product to reliably charge your system or dock. Be warned Switch owners.

Odyssey Costumes

Nintendo announced two new costumes for Super Mario Odyssey today, a Baseball outfit, and a Satellaview suit. The baseball outfit looks standard. but I noticed it has the same colors as the Seattle Mariners, a team that Nintendo used to own. The Satellaview is actually a reference to a space suit Mario wore in a commercial for a satellite attachment to the Super Nintendo that released in 1995. Deep Digs.

That’s all for this week. I look forward to some weekend recuperation. I do have something planned for April Fools day, however. Be sure to check back on Monday for a weekend wrap up. Otherwise, have a great night!

thelizardrock daily news thursday

Thursday 3-29-18: Doom Updates and Red Faction Remasters

It feels more like a Friday, if you ask me. Here’s the news.

  • Doom Update Adds 4k Support
  • Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered Edition

Doom Update

Do you own a PS4 Pro or Xbox One X? Good news! A new update has launched for the two consoles that supposedly adds 4K resolution support. I haven’t played it, nor do I have a TV that supports 4K. But if you do, then I suggest giving the game another play.

Red Faction Guerrilla

THQ Nordic has announced a remaster for one of their most popular Red Faction games. This new version will launch later this year and will include such changes as improved graphics, lighting, shadows, and post-processing effects. Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available.

Thanks for reading. Today’s been exhausting. I was called into work early today. Check back tomorrow for another post about the latest in gaming. Otherwise, have a great night!

thelizardrock daily news tuesday

Tuesday 3-27-18: Death Tax and Senua’s Xbox

My god, I’m alive! It’s been a hectic week, but I’m here now. And with me, comes the news.

  • Rare Kills Off Death Tax
  • Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice Comes to Xbox

Death Tax

Sea of Thieves released a week ago, today. Since then, it’s received heavy criticism for its lack of content and missing features. Rare continues to work on the game, adding more content post-release. One proposed idea was to add a fee to players who die for reckless reasons. With the exception of PvP, it would cost the player some in-game gold to revive. The more easily avoidable the death, the more it would cost. After some heavy community backlash, the team has decided to nix the idea. Many words to say “nothing changed.”

Hellblade: Senua’s Xbox

The multi-award winning RPG by Ninja Theory will be coming to Xbox One and Xbox One X on April 11. The Xbox version will support HDR, with the Xbox One X offering a range of settings to choose based on what you value more, framerate, resolution, or graphics. Expect a $30 price tag.

I disappear for a week and come back with this weak post. Shame on me. But I have a secret project in the works. Stay tuned. Check back tomorrow for more news. Otherwise, have a great night!

thelizardrock daily news monday

Monday 3-19-18: Sonic Stuff and Free Paragon Assets

Welcome back from the weekend. Here’s the news.

  • Sega Announces Sonic Mania Plus
  • Sega Teases Sonic Racing Game
  • Epic Releases Paragon Assets for Free

Sonic Mania Plus

A new version of last winter’s retro sonic game has been announced by the game company. This version will include new game modes and even two new characters. Mighty the Armadillo and Ray the Flying Squirrel. They’re some deep digs towards SegaSonic the Hedgehog, a 1993 arcade game. This version will also come with a physical release. Look forward to this in the summer.

Sonic Racing Game

Sega also released a teaser video. It appears to tease a new Sonic Racing game. I admit it has me kind of excited. You can watch it for yourself here.

Free Paragon Assets

Since Paragon, Epic Games’ failed MOBA never saw it’s way to launch, the game developer has found another way to let it live on. They have now released the assets for their 20 characters on the Unreal Development Marketplace. We’re talking models, textures, sounds, animations, you name it. I’m calling it now, porn will be made with these.

Thanks for reading, everyone! I’m very excited for Sea of Thieves’ release tonight at midnight. I’m very bummed I have work tomorrow and can’t stay up all night playing. Hopefully, the trolls won’t be too bad. Check back tomorrow for more news. Otherwise, have a great night!

thelizardrock daily news friday

Friday 3-16-18: Bomberman and Stephen Hawking in EVE Online

Man, I am really not feeling the writing flow today. Regardless, here’s the news.

  • Super Bomberman R coming to consoles
  • EVE Online Stephen Hawking Tribute

Super Consoleman R

Super Bomberman R was the first Bomberman game we’ve seen since 2010. It launched on the Nintendo Switch recently. Now Konami has confirmed that the game will also be coming to PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Each version will contain platform exclusive characters, such as Rachet, Master Chief, and P-body. Expect a release date of June 12 for an assumed price of $40. I’m not sure if I’ll get it, but this is cool all the same.

EVE Online Stephen Hawking Tribute

I’ll admit, I know very little about EVE Online, so excuse me if I’m vague. Recently, hundreds of players have been dropping cynosural beacons in tribute to the now late scientist Stephen Hawking. The item is usually used to create warp bridges, I believe. Which means they usually indicate an impending invasion. They also create a lovely looking glow. So people have been scattering them in space in a lovely homage. Image above for example.

Thanks for reading, everyone! This is the last one of the week, so check back Monday for a weekend wrap up. Otherwise, have a great weekend!

thelizardrock daily news thursday

Thursday 3-15-18: Monster Hunter Update and ARK on Mobile

It doesn’t really feel like Thursday if you ask me. I should probably say something about St Patrick’s day too. Woo, Irish, lassie, Guinness. Here the news, me boyo.

  • Monster Hunter Update
  • ARK on Mobile

Monster Hunter: Deviljho Update

The first update for Monster Hunter: World was announced recently. They confirm a release date of March 22. The expected new features are as follows

  • Devijho, the world eater
  • Deviljho armor and weapons
  • Balance changes
  • Immune to knockback when carving post-quest
  • character modification
  • Spring Blossom Fest in April

The update will be free to all players.

ARK: Android Evolved

The sci-fi dinosaur sandbox game recently announced that a mobile version of the game is nearly ready for launch, and it’ll be free-to-play. They’re performing closed beta tests now, and plan to launch in the spring. I don’t trust it, personally. Yet I’ve also held bitter since they released paid DLC when still in early access.

Thanks for reading everyone. Standard day stuff. Check back tomorrow for the final news thing of the week. Otherwise, have a great night!

thelizardrock daily news wednesday

Wednesday 3-14-18: Man Cannons, Multiplayer, and Tomb Raiders

It’s the day of the week where I promise to stop just saying what day of the week it is at the start of my introductions. Here’s the news.

  • Microsoft shoots a man out of a cannon
  • Stardew Valley multiplayer
  • Tomb Raider teaser gets debunked

Cannon Man

To celebrate the near-launch of their upcoming pirate game, Sea of Thieves, Microsoft shoot a man out of a cannon. You can watch the video of it on their twitter post. David “The Bullet” Smith flew 200 feet through the air onto a giant inflatable cushion. The Guinness World Records even confirmed it to be a new world record for farthest distance of shooting a man out a cannon. Neat.

Stardew Valleys, Plural

According to a tweet by developer ConcernedApe, the multiplayer update for Stardew Valley has entered the QA (Quality Assurance) phase. This means it’s nearly ready for launch. The highly anticipated feature will also come with a number of new content. If you like a casual farm life game, then I recommend playing this game. It’s only $15, I believe.

Tomb Raided

If you visit the Tomb Raider web page, it’s a single image telling people to tune in tomorrow for a surprise. One clever individual noticed that if you read the client-side HTML of the site (right click, view source), it reveals what the announcement is going to be [spoilers]. Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the final game in the series, will be available September 14th, 2018, for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Good security work there, Microsoft.

Thanks for reading, everyone! Today was a nice news day. There was cool stuff. Come back tomorrow for more news. That’s not a suggestion. You will come back tomorrow. All days here on out, you shall return. you WILL return. Otherwise, have a great night!

thelizardrock daily news tuesday

Tuesday 3-13-18: Positive Videos and Chucklefish Publications

Not much on the news front today. Even so, here is that news.

  • Games for Change Video
  • Chucklefish to Publish Pathway

Game on

You may have heard about the video posted by the White House containing snippets of violence in video games. Understandably, many found this to be an unfair representation of what games are. In response, Games for Change, a nonprofit that highlights the power of games to change the world, produced their own video that shows how beautiful games can be as well. You can watch it here.


Chucklefish, developers of Starbound and publishers of Stardew Valley, have partnered with Robotality to publish their next game, Pathway. This 2D turn-based strategy RPG takes place in ancient ruins in a very “Indiana Jones” type setting. You can check out more about it at their website. There’s also an official trailer for the game.

Thanks for reading. Perhaps tomorrow will be more interesting. Check back then for more news. Otherwise, have a great night!

thelizardrock daily news monday

Monday 2-12-18: Dota Plus, xQc, Shaq Fu, and Reviews

Monday is back. I apologize for last week, it was a heavy workload to handle. Here’s the news

  • Dota Plus
  • xQc Dropped
  • Shaq Fu is Expensive
  • Algo Bot Review
  • Fossil Hunters Review

Dota Plus

It’s not a new game mode for Valve’s popular MOBA. It’s a premium subscription mode. Now for $3.99 a month, you gain access to special perks and bonuses. The most interesting one is a real-time virtual assistant to suggest the current best options when playing. It bases its information on the current meta-game. You can read more about it on the Dota Plus webpage.

xQc Dropped

eSports news! Overwatch player xQc, playing tank for the Dallas Fuel team, has been dropped after receiving a four-game suspension for racist behavior on Twitch. They claim it’s a mutual decision, and he will be replaced by OGE come next season. Don’t be racist, kids.

Shaq Fool

For some reason, the Nintendo Switch version of Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn costs more($39.99) than the PS4 and Xbox One version ($29.99). When this was the case for L.A. Noire, It was because they needed to utilize a 64gb solid state cartridge. The game’s developers have yet to comment as to why this price change is present, and if it will also be there for the digital version of the game.

Algo Bot

A new review. Algo Bot is a programming learning game. It teaches you about how algorithms and functions work, kinda. You can read my full thoughts about it here.

Fossil Hunters

If you want a game that I DID enjoy, there’s Fossil Hunters. It’s a cute and casual game about finding fossils and building dinosaurs. You can read my full thoughts about it here.

Thanks for reading, everone. I know I’m keeping things inconsistent as ever. If you interested in seeing what I’m playing. Check out my Twitch channel! I’m going to start streaming more often. Check back tomorrow for more video game news. Otherwise, have a great night!

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