I almost forgot to do the news this morning. Oops! Here’s the news.
  • Maxi in Soul Calibur VI
  • Assassin’s Creed Odyssey


Bandai Namco released a new trailer recently, revealing that Maxi, the fatibal flinging fighter, will be in the upcoming Soul Calibur 6. His weapon of choice is commonly referred to as “nunchucks.” He’s a fast and up-close fighter, with what appears to be a preference for grabs. Soul Calibur 6 will be coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC later this year

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Ubisoft announced the next in the stealth action game series. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey appears to be taking place in ancient Greece (maybe Rome, idk). This announcement came only a few hours after a leaked image of a keychain of a Roman helmet with the same title. I suspect they intended to wait until E3 to announce the game, but the leak pushed their hand. Either way, expect more in the coming weeks.

That’s all for today! It’s not much, but thanks for reading all the same. We also released the latest episode of the Cozy Co-op, where I, by myself, talk about the profound emotional experience I had with Getting Over It, by Bennett Foddy. Tune in Monday for a weekend wrap up. Otherwise, have a great day!