It’s Friday, I think? Who knows anymore. Here’s what I do know: there’s news to be had. Here is that news.
  • BioWare hasn’t Dropped Mass Effect/Dragon Age
  • Yakuza 6 is Coming to PC
  • Gamefly is Shutting their Streaming Service Down

Not Only Anthem

With such a strong focus being pushed onto EA and BioWare’s upcoming shooter, fans are fearful of a forgotten franchise. But according to general manager Casey Hudson, there’s no need to be concerned.

“We hear loud and clear the interest in BioWare doing more Dragon Age and Mass Effect, so rest assured that we have some teams hidden away working on some secret stuff that I think you’ll really like,” Hudson said in BioWare’s Mid-Summer Update. “We’re just not ready to talk about any of it for a little while.”

The question is whether it will be another Inquisition or another Andromeda. Time will tell.

Yakuza 6 for PC

Sega has released their 2018 Q1 fiscal report, and Reddit user khawaja07 has discovered that deep within the report tells the future for the recent PS4 exclusive, Yakuza 6: Song of Life. It lists the game as a release for fourth quarter 2018 for PS4 and PC in North America and Europe.

We’ve seen Yakuza making it’s way to PC with the recently released port of Yakuza Zero, so we shouldn’t be too surprised. I’m happy all the same.


Y’all remember GameFly? They sent people video games in the mail in a monthly subscription service, like old school Netflix. Also like Netflix, they offered an online streaming service, but for games. Or they used to. The company recently announced that they’ll be closing their streaming service August 31. Participating users won’t be charged after that date. Their physical mail games will still be available, though.

With every major game company wanting to set up their own game service, it makes sense that others would fall to the side.

That’s all for today, thanks for reading! Tune in Monday for a new week of video game news. Check out our podcast, we have a new episode. Otherwise, have a great weekend!