Welcome to the dark side of lasagna. Artefacts Studios has announced Garfield Kart: Dark Exodus, a rated M sequel to their hit game Garfield Kart Furious Racing, after misinterpreting a tweet by well-known industry analyst Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX).
Ahmad’s tweet implied that a Reddit page dedicated to nightmare versions of Garfield was somehow related to the next Silent Hill game.
“Whenever people ask me about another Silent Hill game, I’m tempted to link them to the /r/ImSorryJon subreddit page. lol, could you imagine?”
Other folks took this to mean that there would instead be a new Garfield game with a dark and gritty twist. This included the head of Artefacts Studio, the team known for their work in the popular cartoon racing game, Garfield Kart Furious Racing.
“I was browsing Twitter one morning because I work in game development and figured I’d wash away what little hope and joy I had left in my day. That’s when I noticed a tweet by @ZhugeEX that said we were working on a dark, gritty reboot of our classic game, Garfield Kart Furious Racing.”
explained Artefacts Studio chief director Bruno Chabanel, in a press statement.
“I was flabbergasted by this news. I was a little offended even that no one in my various departments told me we were working on the project. So after some internal discussion, I had the team put together a presentable teaser so that no one, not even the public, would be left in the dark.”

The Artefacts marketing team has since released a promotional teaser image to the press, along with a few details about the game’s overall development goals. Garfield Kart Dark Exodus will feature an M rating based on the ESRB system. Players can expect to see mature concepts like extreme violence, gore, nudity, and mild drug usage.
The team hopes to have more information available by E3 2021. Stay tuned.
In case you still weren’t sure: this is satire. It’s all a joke, poking fun at the way people will take non-serious statements by public figures as more genuine than they should. Ahmad did not make that tweet and Chabanel didn’t make that statement. There is no Garfield Kart sequel. And if there was, it wouldn’t be this.