Not only am I still alive, I’m late to posting the news! Here is that news.
  • Project Greek Island is in Fallout 76
  • Watch a Nuke in Fallout 76

Fallout 76’s Project Greek Island

Bethesda recently held a special event at the Greenbrier Resort of West Virginia. Why? Because it’s the location of the now decommissioned Project Greek Island. For those who don’t know, this was a secret government bunker hidden under the Greenbrier Resort. The location has been confirmed as a place of interest within the game, though details on how remain a mystery.

Watch a Nuke in Fallout 76

Have you gathered yet that this weekend’s news is Fallout based? A writer for recently posted new video footage, revealing just what a nuke blast looks like in-game. Full honesty, I didn’t watch it. I want the experience to remain pure for when I play it myself. But if you want to see, the video is embedded below.

Thank you folks for your patience in my inconsistent posting schedule. Things have been very busy lately and my personal site is suffering accordingly. Tune in tomorrow for more news. I promise. Otherwise, have a great night!