Here’s another one of those things week call the work week. And in that, is the news. Here is that news.
  • Madden Tournament Shooting
  • Smash Bros Best Seller of 2018
  • The Weird Fortnite Cube

Mass Shooting in Florida

Over the weekend was the Madden NFL 19 tournament in Jacksonville, Florida. The event was cut short when a shooter open fired, killing two, injuring nine, and then turning the gun on themselves. As a rule for myself, I don’t report the names or identities of shooters when this happens. But in the interest of journalistic integrity, I feel it’s important to note that the shooter was a competitor for the tournament who had lost earlier on. If you want, the moment was captured on stream, and footage of the event can be viewed on Timothy Burke’s Twitter. Be wary.

My sympathies go out to the friends and family of Elijah Clayton and Taylor Robertson, AKA Trueboy and Spotme. I wish a healthy recovery for those injured as well.

Smash Bros Ultimate: 2018 Best Seller

We’ve seen a lot of amazing titles this year. God of War, Monster Hunter: World, and more have already established themselves as GOTY contender. And yet, Super Smash Bros is beating them in sales. Not releasing until December, the party fighting game’s preorders have already exceeded that of the previous titles. This doesn’t come as a great surprise. The Smash Bros series has always been one of Nintendo’s greatest properties. I may have to set a preorder, myself. There might not be any available on release day at this rate.

Fortnite and the Giant Cube

We’re starting to approach the end of the current season on Fortnite. Which means the weird, in-game events are back. It began with regular lightning strikes, gradually destroying cacti. After increasingly frequent strikes, a large purple cube formed on the map. Attacking the cube causes it to attack back, often knocking the player far away from their destination. You can actually see the cube forming on Ninja’s stream during a summer Skirmish event. The season ends late September, so expect things to keep building until then.

That’s all for today! Tune in tomorrow for more video game news! Otherwise, have a great day!