It doesn’t really feel like Thursday if you ask me. I should probably say something about St Patrick’s day too. Woo, Irish, lassie, Guinness. Here the news, me boyo.
  • Monster Hunter Update
  • ARK on Mobile

Monster Hunter: Deviljho Update

The first update for Monster Hunter: World was announced recently. They confirm a release date of March 22. The expected new features are as follows

  • Devijho, the world eater
  • Deviljho armor and weapons
  • Balance changes
  • Immune to knockback when carving post-quest
  • character modification
  • Spring Blossom Fest in April

The update will be free to all players.

ARK: Android Evolved

The sci-fi dinosaur sandbox game recently announced that a mobile version of the game is nearly ready for launch, and it’ll be free-to-play. They’re performing closed beta tests now, and plan to launch in the spring. I don’t trust it, personally. Yet I’ve also held bitter since they released paid DLC when still in early access.

Thanks for reading everyone. Standard day stuff. Check back tomorrow for the final news thing of the week. Otherwise, have a great night!