Tag: bomberman

thelizardrock daily news friday

Friday 6-29-18: Solid Snake in Bomberman, Overwatch’s Hamster Hero, Shenmue 3 is 100GB

Busy week, that’s for sure. Here’s the news.
  • Metal Gear Solid in Bomberman R
  • Overwatch has a Hamster Character
  • Shenmue 3 Requires 100GB


In a recent update to Super Bomberman R, four new characters have joined the explosive fray. Solid Snake, Naked Snake and Raiden are now playable characters in the game. They even come with a new stage based on Mother Base. The fourth character is actually a bombermanification of Pro wrestler Xavier Woods. The wrestler even voices the character. The update is now live, but some it may not have appeared on the Nintendo Switch yet.

Hammond the Overwatch Hamster

Blizzard-Activision announced their latest character addition to the Overwatch roster, and it’s a hamster. Hammond rolls around in a giant mechanical ball of destruction, which is why his alias is called Wrecking Ball. The best part, in my opinion, is that he has an origin story. Hammond is a hyper-intelligent hamster developed in the same lab that Winston was. Hammond used his smarts to escape the lab via a wrecking ball style shuttle. Upon crashing by a place called Junktown, he engineered his own battle mech and became a local champion.

Shenmue 3 is Large

A recent update to the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter has revealed what the PC specs for the game will be. While they’re fairly understandable, folks have noticed a surprisingly large space requirement of 100 GB. I get that larger game sizes are part of the evolution of media, but oof, that’s big.

That’s all for today. I look forward to taking it easy this weekend. Tune in Monday for the next news post. Check out our latest podcast episode while you wait, it’s about Hammerwatch. Otherwise, have a great weekend.

thelizardrock daily news friday

Friday 3-16-18: Bomberman and Stephen Hawking in EVE Online

Man, I am really not feeling the writing flow today. Regardless, here’s the news.
  • Super Bomberman R coming to consoles
  • EVE Online Stephen Hawking Tribute

Super Consoleman R

Super Bomberman R was the first Bomberman game we’ve seen since 2010. It launched on the Nintendo Switch recently. Now Konami has confirmed that the game will also be coming to PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Each version will contain platform exclusive characters, such as Rachet, Master Chief, and P-body. Expect a release date of June 12 for an assumed price of $40. I’m not sure if I’ll get it, but this is cool all the same.

EVE Online Stephen Hawking Tribute

I’ll admit, I know very little about EVE Online, so excuse me if I’m vague. Recently, hundreds of players have been dropping cynosural beacons in tribute to the now late scientist Stephen Hawking. The item is usually used to create warp bridges, I believe. Which means they usually indicate an impending invasion. They also create a lovely looking glow. So people have been scattering them in space in a lovely homage. Image above for example.

Thanks for reading, everyone! This is the last one of the week, so check back Monday for a weekend wrap up. Otherwise, have a great weekend!

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