Tag: EVE: Online

thelizardrock daily news friday

Friday 3-16-18: Bomberman and Stephen Hawking in EVE Online

Man, I am really not feeling the writing flow today. Regardless, here’s the news.
  • Super Bomberman R coming to consoles
  • EVE Online Stephen Hawking Tribute

Super Consoleman R

Super Bomberman R was the first Bomberman game we’ve seen since 2010. It launched on the Nintendo Switch recently. Now Konami has confirmed that the game will also be coming to PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Each version will contain platform exclusive characters, such as Rachet, Master Chief, and P-body. Expect a release date of June 12 for an assumed price of $40. I’m not sure if I’ll get it, but this is cool all the same.

EVE Online Stephen Hawking Tribute

I’ll admit, I know very little about EVE Online, so excuse me if I’m vague. Recently, hundreds of players have been dropping cynosural beacons in tribute to the now late scientist Stephen Hawking. The item is usually used to create warp bridges, I believe. Which means they usually indicate an impending invasion. They also create a lovely looking glow. So people have been scattering them in space in a lovely homage. Image above for example.

Thanks for reading, everyone! This is the last one of the week, so check back Monday for a weekend wrap up. Otherwise, have a great weekend!

thelizardrock daily news wednesday

Wednesday 1-24-18: Subnautica Launch, EVE Battle Bust, and Arizona Sunshine

It’s Wednesday and boy are my arms tired. Here’s the news
  • Subnautica Leaves Early Access
  • EVE: Online Battle Results
  • Arizona Sunshine Review

Subnautica Launch
That open world ocean survival game has finally left early access and with that comes a big number of fantastic improvements to the game. For those not familiar with the game, check out their new and improved webpage. Subnautica can be found on Steam for $24.99.

Million Dollar Bust
Yesterday I reported on an upcoming EVE: Online battle that was expected to cost over a million dollars. That battle has now taken place, and the final asset toll tallies up to… $4,000. The battle came up extremely short. This was because 6,000 players arrived at the scene to take place in the expected onslaught. The game servers simply couldn’t handle this much, which caused many players’ games to crash and connections to be lost. So none of the big, expensive plans took place. This is certainly a shame.

Arizona Sunshine
I published a new article on my site, here. It’s a review of the VR shooter, Arizona Sunshine. It’s an amazing game that was ruined by a single flaw. I’ve had this review sitting for months, and it’s been revised numerous times. I wanted to make sure it came out as high quality as it could be. Be sure to check it out.

Thanks for reading. Not much news today. Be sure to check back tomorrow for more up-to-date happenings in the blogosphere. #fleek am I right fellow kids? As always, have a great night!

thelizardrock daily news tuesday

Tuesday 1-23-18: Saw in Dead by Daylight, John Cena as Duke Nukem, and The Million Dollar EVE Battle

Its that weird point in time that my editor refers to as “Tuesday.” Whatever that means. Here’s the news.
  • New Dead By Daylight Killer: The Pig
  • EVE: Online Preps a Million Dollar Battle
  • John Cena as a Cinematic Duke Nukem

Saw’d By Piglight
The popular asynchronous horror game is moving on their next chapter, The Saw Chapter. this game update adds a new killer, a new survivor, and a new map. The main attraction is the killer, The Pig. This character is based on the protege from the Saw movies. Her power is to move silently, placing reverse beartraps on people’s heads. I stopped watching Saw after the 3rd one, so I have no idea who she is. I do know that I absolutely hate pigs in a horror environment, they freak me the hell out. The new character is named David Tapp, and the new map is called “Gideon Meat Plant.” This new content can be purchased at the relevant marketplaces for $6.99. Check out the Video for it here.

EVE Online’s Million Dollar Battle
The popular space economy game, full of mining, transporting, building, and fighting is under some high tensions right now. Heres a quick backstory: About 4 years ago there was a massive battle between 2 of the largest alliances in the game. The battle resulted in about $300,000 worth of game assets destroyed. Since then, the victor has sold off their army and tried to KickStart a biography. Other players were strongly against this idea and tried to build up a rebellion against his empire. That fell short when their main funder was banned for association with a CS:GO gambling scandal. Even then, an impressive army was built. Now the previous victor is back with his own battalion.
Everyone is expecting another large-scale battle to take place, one approximately triple the size of the last one. So EVE is basically in the Cold War phase of things right now. You bet your boots and cats I’ll be sure to follow up on this when something happens.

John Cena as Duke Nukem
There have been rumors going around of a Duke Nukem movie, at least according to HollywoodReporter. They’re saying that the movie rights have been acquired by Paramount and is to be produced by Platinum Dunes, a company run by Michael Bay, Andrew Form, and Brad Fuller. Famous Wrestler John Cena is currently in talks about playing the titular role. This makes sense, Cena has an established history with Paramount movies. I can only pray that this actually happens. I want this almost as badly as I want the Rampage movie.

Thanks once more for reading. This was a fun news day. Be sure to check back tomorrow for whatever reportable stuff happens then. Otherwise, have a great night!

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