Thursday! I forgot to post yesterday, I’m sorry! Here’s the news.
  • First Mario Odyssey Update Add Luigi
  • Dark Souls Announced for Nintendo Switch (and others)
  • Trump Says We Sold Planes from Call of Duty

Luigi’s Balloon World
The first update for Super Mario Odyssey has been announced. The free update will add a new game feature called Luigi’s Balloon World. In the game you can now find Luigi, talking to him will allow you to take on the quest of either hiding, or finding, a balloon. The catch? The balloon will be hunted down by another player in the world, or you will be hunting down a balloon another player has hidden, respectively. This is an incredibly creative way to find new life in the 3D platformer. Expect the update around February.

Dark Souls for Switch
That’s right, the famously punishing RPG will be getting a remaster, one that will not only be coming to PS4 and Xbox One, but Nintendo Switch as well! The expected launch of that is on May 25, 2018.

Trump Mistakes Jets
In a statement pertaining to the sale of fighter jets to Norway, Trump accidentally claimed we had F-52 fighter jets. The problem is that the F-52 Fighter Jet is an entirely fictional aircraft that exists in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. The quote itself is as follows.

In November we started delivering the first F-52s and F-35 fighter jets. We have a total of 52 and they’ve delivered a number of them already a little ahead of schedule.

I can see where he got his numbers confused, but this is still pretty unprofessional. A nation’s leader should be absolutely certain of their words when discussion weapon sales to foreign countries.

That’s all for today. Thanks for reading, everyone. I was caught up yesterday with recording new video footage for a client. Be sure to check back tomorrow for more amazing news. Otherwise, have a great night!