Tag: Mobile

thelizardrock daily news tuesday

Tuesday 7-3-18: LA Noire VR DRM Block, Super Mario Run’s $60 Mil, and More Info on Fallout 76

Groggy morning it seems, but one ripe with news, at least. Here is that news.
  • LA Noire VR Players Blocked by DRM Issue
  • Super Mario Run Grossed $60 Million
  • Todd Howard Talks About Fallout 76 More

DRM Noire

There have been reports that LA Noire VR edition on Steam has been entirely unplayable recently for those who bought it. Users are prompted to put in their product key for the game, despite it being already activated. Should they put their product key in again, it’ll tell them that the key is already in use (by you, of course). This loop has left players unable to play at all for several days now. Developer Rockstar Games is no stranger to bad DRM practices, but it’s unfortunate that this is happening all the same.

Super Mario Run to the Bank

Remember Nintendo’s first actual mobile game? Released in September 2016, Super Mario Run wasn’t exactly the success people were hoping for. That hasn’t stopped the game from making money, however. Recent reports indicate a total gross of $60 million. If you think that’s large, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp earned $20 million in its first two months, and Fire Emblem: Heroes earned over $294 million in its first year. While mobile games may seem like a niche market for casuals and all that elitist garbo, the reality is that it can be an extremely profitable venture, if you have the IPs and the quality of games Nintendo is known for.

Fallout 76 More Information

There has been yet another interview with game producer Todd Howard, and with it, we get a touch more information about Fallout 76. There were quite a few things he touched on, so I’ll just skim through them.

It’s called 76 because he liked the identity it gave. The destruction of bases isn’t so that you can raid and wreck, but so you can break out if someone tried to trap you. That’s why repairs are easy. You cannot kill a player under level 5, to help prevent harassment I guess. There will be fast travel. There will not be mounts. Howard dodged a question asking if other human players can give you missions.

That’s all for today. Thank you, everyone, for reading. Tune in tomorrow for more news. I’ve starting coding up a software bot to play Five Nights at Freddy’s for me. You might hear more about that, should it prove successful. Otherwise, have a great day!

thelizardrock daily news tuesday

Tuesday 4-3-18: Fortnite Mobile and Chrono Trigger Fixes

How about them video games? Here’s the news.
  • Fortnite for iOS
  • Chrono Trigger Steam Fix

Fortnite Mobile

I’m sure you’ve heard about how the popular Battle Royale games have entered the mobile world. Fortnite’s iOS game has now officially launched. Before this, you could only play if invited by a friend, or with a special link. No word on the game coming to Android, only that it will happen at some point.

Chrono Trigger

Last month, I reported on a PC port of the popular SNES game silently releasing on Steam. Later on, I reported on how people hated it for being a crappy port of the mobile port. Publisher Square Enix has now made a statement, saying that they plan to resolve all of these issues, starting with reverting the game back to their original graphics. Stay tuned as this story develops.

Thanks for reading. Seeing that daily views tracker keeping consistent is rather reassuring. Check back tomorrow for more news. Otherwise, have a great night!

thelizardrock daily news thursday

Thursday: 2-1-18: Duke Nukem is Gone, id IPs are Related, and Mario Kart Mobile Game

It’s already Thursday. Seems like this week is going fast. Here’s the news.
  • Duke Nukem 3D Disappears From Steam
  • id Software Says all of Their IPs are Related
  • Nintendo Announced Mario Kart Mobile Game

Duke Nukem: Unlisted
For unknown reasons, Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour has gone missing from the Steam Marketplace. This has happened twice before when Duke Nukem 3D was removed and replaced by Metaton Edition under publishing rights of Devolver Digital, and again with the release of Kill-a-Ton 2015 Collection when ownership was handed to Gearbox. This version would later be replaced with what used to be the current version, Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour. Now this version has been taken down from the marketplace. It’s possible the Nukem name is changing hands once more. It’s also possible that this is in relation to the rumored Duke Nukem movie. Either way, time will tell.

All of id is Related
When 2 id Software related game designers were talking over twitter, they confirmed the idea that the protagonists of Wolfenstein, Doom, and Commander Keen are all related. This theory has been speculated over time, only now has it been confirmed by id Software co-founder, Tom Hall. According to Hall, Wolfenstein’s BJ Blazkowicz is the grandfather of Commander Keen, who is the father of the Doom Marine. Hall jokes with ex-id staff John Romero, about how the “badass” skipped a generation with Keen’s father, whom they say was a newscaster. Honestly, I’m not sure how to feel about this revelation. I can absolutely see why BJ and Doomguy are related, but the pasty white boy that is Keen really throws you for a loop.

Mario Kart Tour
Nintendo of America announced via Twitter that they are now in development of their next mobile game, Mario Kart Tour. Absolutely nothing is known about the game outside of its name, and a projected release zone of “the fiscal year ending in March 2019.” Nintendo has done well to make high quality, albeit short-lived, mobile games, so I’m very curious to see what direction they take this. I expect it to be the biggest thing of all time for a week or two, until it fades back to obscurity. When was the last time I heard anyone talk about Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp?

Thanks for reading. Viewership this month has been greater than normal. I’m really glad to see that people are starting to take a liking to what I’m doing here. Be sure to check back tomorrow for the latest in video game news. Otherwise, have a great night!

thelizardrock daily news monday

Monday 11-20-17: Desert Bus, Shades of CD Projekt Red, Animal Crossing Mobile Game, Street Fighter V-Triggers

Monday marks the dawn of a new week, and with a new week comes new news. Overall its a generally positive weekend in the world of gaming. here’s what we have:

  • Desert Bus for Hope is back.
  • CD Projekt Red remarks on the industry.
  • Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp release date
  • Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition trailer taunts V-Triggers.

Desert Bus for Hope
Desert Bus is Back for its 10th charity drive! For those who don’t know: The Desert Bus for Hope is a charity event where a group of people plays the desert bus mini-game from an old Sega CD game by Penn & Teller. This game has you drive a bus for 8 hours on a straight road in the desert. when these people reach a donation goal, the longer they have to play this incredibly boring game. This is a wonderful cause, raising money for Child’s Play, a charity about bringing toys and games to children’s hospitals. They’ve been living streaming the event for about 48 hours so far, and still have 144 hours to go. You can check out the live stream of the event, which will include more details, at their twitch page.

CD Projekt Red Throwing Shade
With all the recent drama about loot boxes and video games “as a service” going around, some concern has spread to the studio being the Witcher game series. Their CEO in an interview remarked on how to better commercialize future games, and many took this to mean they will be implementing microtransactions. When a popular youtube page posted on twitter expressing this concern, CD Projekt Red responded with a statement that reassured peoples doubts, while also taking a jab at the studios that do use microtransactions. The response can be seen below.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Release Date
Nintendo has been entering the mobile game market. With a powerful arsenal of big name (and child-friendly) titles behind them, there is a lot of potential for them in this field. Animal Crossing: Pocket camp is their mobile take on the Animal Crossing series. For the last month, the game has been on a soft launch in Australia only, with the promise of a worldwide release in “late November.” This morning Nintendo of America announced via twitter when that release date is. This Wednesday. That’s right, 2 days from now on the day before Thanksgiving, the game will release on mobile stores worldwide. That’s one thing I know I’m thankful for.




Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition Trailer
Capcom recently released a new trailer showing off the V-Triggers that are due to appear in Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition, the updated and complete version of the latest Street Fighter game. At first glance, it looks like stuff we already knew, but the implications behind it are far more important. With these new V-Triggers will come new combo and mixup options for many (if not all) characters. A change to the game of this degree will have an equally large impact on the competitive Street Fighter scene. See the trailer for yourself below.

That’s all for the weekend. Thanks for reading, everyone! Be sure to check back tomorrow for the latest and greatest in video game news. I also have a new longform coming soon, stay tuned. Otherwise, have a great night!

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