Tag: to the moon

thelizardrock daily news monday

Monday 5-21-18: Nerf Overwatch, Lewd Games, Blighttown, and a To the Moon Movie

My vacation is over, and I’m back to the grindstone. Here’s the weekend wrap up news thing.
  • Overwatch Nerf Guns
  • “Waifu Holocaust”
  • Blighttown’s Stable 60 fps
  • To the Moon Feature Film

Nerf or Nothing

The official Overwatch Twitter account posted a short video this weekend, where a plethora of Nerf balls flew across the screen. ending in one ball being embossed with the Overwatch logo. It appears that Nerf will be making a line of Overwatch themed Nerf Rival blasters (Nerf’s performance line). The same line has Deadpool and God of War inspired weapons as well. No word on the pricing or expected release of these weapons.

The Waifu Holocaust

Oh boy, do I have opinions here. Lets me start by saying that the term “waifu holocaust” is not one I coined. Its what the community took to calling this event. At least it doesn’t end in -gate. The developers of a number of popular steam games known for their lewd content received a warning from Valve. The message said that if they didn’t resolve the pornographic nature of their games, they would be removed. This wouldn’t be a problem, if it wasn’t that these were already-approved games that have been on the market for years, like Huniepop and Mutiny!!, for example. These games had already adhered to Steam’s standards, making censored versions of the game for just this reason.

Later on, a website dedicated to ending sexual exploitation in media claimed credit for this recent notice. They stated that it was the result of “a heightened week-long grassroots campaign, which began on May 10th, where individuals from around the country requested Steam to remove sexually exploitive content.” They called this recent news a “victory.”

Steam later responded to the developers, telling them to disregard the automated message, and that they will be re-reviewed manually. Since they were already accepted the first time, its safe to assume the games are safe. It frustrated me greatly that a group of people would organize an attack someones passion project and livelihood because they don’t like it. The repression of any and all sexual content is why so many individuals struggle to develop any kind of healthy sexual relationships.

Sure enough, going to their website, you’ll see two articles about how successful they were, but none about how Steam won’t actually be removing the games.

Blighttown’s Framerate

Digital Foundry released a video recently, showing off a detailed analysis of the infamous section of Dark Souls. And more specifically, how it runs on the remaster. Fans have been shouting to see Blighttown on the Dark Souls: Remastered game since it’s announcement, concerned about performance in the area. This video is the first proof we have that there will be a stable 60 frames per second during the entirety of the map. This is running at 1080p on a standard PS4, even. Grand news for those waiting for the remaster.

To the Movies

The creator of To the Moon, the well known interactive story, released a video recently, announcing that a feature-length animated film adaption of To the Moon has been confirmed. he will be personally working with the production process, and it’s being handled by a supposedly major development team in Japan. Not much else is known about it now, but he seemed eager to share what he could as it became available to him. The thing everyone’s been wanting is actually happening.

We actually talk about To the Moon in an episode of The Cozy Co-op. It’s one of our most popular episodes, stat-wise. Check it out!

That’s all for today, folks. I appreciate your patience last week. I was on island time. I’m back to being responsible and such. Tune in tomorrow for another news. Otherwise, have a great day!

The Cozy Co-op Ep6: To the Moon

The Cozy Co-op
The Cozy Co-op
The Cozy Co-op Ep6: To the Moon

The Cozy Co-op is a podcast where a games journalist and a creative writer talk about video games! Join us every Friday morning for the latest episodes. This time, Branden and Justine talk about the emotional story game, To the Moon

More information about the game can be found at http://freebirdgames.com/to_the_moon/

The news comes from Branden, and can be found at https://www.thelizardrock.com/

Intro/outro music: Lovr, by LizardRock

ad music by Incompitech

Video Games are the Greatest Art Form

The idea of video games as art has been a minor topic of discussion for over a decade. As the capabilities of video games expanded, so have the ideas of what constitutes a video game. For years, video games have been used not as an entertainment medium, but as a creative one. Where does that line stand? At what point can you call a video game “art?”

You can read the full article at the other site I write for, gamerzunite.com, just click here.

Sorry for the bait and switch, but paid writing jobs are a priority, all I can do is link you to them. Personally, I think this is one of my favorite articles Ive written yet. It’s something I very strongly believe in.

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