Man, oh man. This was a nice weekend. A lot of treating myself, relaxing, and still keeping productive. Felt good. Here’s the news.
  • A Fortnite Burger Appears in California Desert
  • Warframe’s Upcoming Fortuna Expansion
  • How Nathan Drake “Doesn’t Ever Take Bullet Damage”

Durr Burger is Back

If you’re into Fortnite, you probably know about the dimensional rifts that have been popping up. As more and more would appear, they’ve been both consuming nearby landmarks and spawning new ones in random locations. This has varied from wooden anchors to carriages, to motel signs. Previously, the large mascot structure for Durr Burger, a fast food location in-game, was consumed by a rift. It has since been discovered in the real world, specifically a desert in California.

It gets weirder. Now that people know, others have been flocking to see. Now there’s a Fortnite-esque police car in the area and a man under the title of Agent #3678. He gives you a card with his title and a phone number (712-380-4091). If you call the number, you hear a dimensional rift portal opening up. Should you press the asterisks key, it’ll ask for an extension.

Well done Epic Games for crafting this weird mystery, attached below are social media postings of all of this.

Warframe’s Fortuna Update

Are you ready for a new faction? Well, get ready, because Solaris United are making their way to Venus. This update will introduce the planet into a new world-building lore, where a clan of cyborgs are sent to work out their days in debt-internment camps. All we have to go off of is a reveal trailer for now.

Also get ready for a new expansion. Titled “Codename: Railjack,” the game intends to merge surface combat of Fortuna with air combat. Players will pilot ships, shoot their turrets, etc.

Drake Doesn’t Get Shot

This one is short but sweet. According to Jonathan Cooper, animator as Naughty Dog, Nathan Drake doesn’t take bullet damage. Instead, the player sees the redness on the UI to represent when the Uncharted series protagonist’s luck is about to run out. They aren’t direct hits that cause the damage, but near misses.

It’s just an excuse to shrug off gameplay conflicting with lore, but I like it. This is a more accepting approach than the Resident Evil or Hitman games, for example. These games simply state that gameplay itself is not canon.

Thanks for sifting through this one, everyone. Good news: I got a Nintendo Switch! Super late to the bandwagon, but I’m loving it. Tune in tomorrow for more video game news. Otherwise, have a great day!