Tag: wolfenstein

thelizardrock daily news wednesday

Wednesday 4-25-18: McElroys, Wolfenstein on Switch, and Battlefield One Support

Whoops! I forgot to do the news in the morning. Evening news it is! Here is that news.
  • The McElroys Leave Polygon
  • Wolfenstein II Nintendo Switch Launch Date
  • DICE Ends Battlefield One Support

The McElroy Brothers

It saddens me to hear, but Griffin and Justin McElroy have announced their resignation from popular gaming news outlet, Polygon. They have been vital inspirations to me and is largely responsible for me becoming a journalist myself. You can read their full statements at Polygon. I wish you the best, you wonderful boys.

Wolfenstein II on Switch

We have a release date! That’s all. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus will release on Nintendo Switch on June 29. Nintendo released a nice little trailer for it, which appears to display Switch quality graphics.

Battlefield One Support

In a statement by DICE, developers of popular WWI shooter, Battlefield One will no longer be receiving regular updates. The latest DLC, Rupture, has just launched, and at the end of their blog post about it, they state that monthly patches will end this June. This makes sense, given the game’s age.

That’s all we got today. Come back tomorrow for another wonderful news day. Otherwise, have a great evening!

thelizardrock daily news thursday

Thursday: 2-1-18: Duke Nukem is Gone, id IPs are Related, and Mario Kart Mobile Game

It’s already Thursday. Seems like this week is going fast. Here’s the news.
  • Duke Nukem 3D Disappears From Steam
  • id Software Says all of Their IPs are Related
  • Nintendo Announced Mario Kart Mobile Game

Duke Nukem: Unlisted
For unknown reasons, Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour has gone missing from the Steam Marketplace. This has happened twice before when Duke Nukem 3D was removed and replaced by Metaton Edition under publishing rights of Devolver Digital, and again with the release of Kill-a-Ton 2015 Collection when ownership was handed to Gearbox. This version would later be replaced with what used to be the current version, Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour. Now this version has been taken down from the marketplace. It’s possible the Nukem name is changing hands once more. It’s also possible that this is in relation to the rumored Duke Nukem movie. Either way, time will tell.

All of id is Related
When 2 id Software related game designers were talking over twitter, they confirmed the idea that the protagonists of Wolfenstein, Doom, and Commander Keen are all related. This theory has been speculated over time, only now has it been confirmed by id Software co-founder, Tom Hall. According to Hall, Wolfenstein’s BJ Blazkowicz is the grandfather of Commander Keen, who is the father of the Doom Marine. Hall jokes with ex-id staff John Romero, about how the “badass” skipped a generation with Keen’s father, whom they say was a newscaster. Honestly, I’m not sure how to feel about this revelation. I can absolutely see why BJ and Doomguy are related, but the pasty white boy that is Keen really throws you for a loop.

Mario Kart Tour
Nintendo of America announced via Twitter that they are now in development of their next mobile game, Mario Kart Tour. Absolutely nothing is known about the game outside of its name, and a projected release zone of “the fiscal year ending in March 2019.” Nintendo has done well to make high quality, albeit short-lived, mobile games, so I’m very curious to see what direction they take this. I expect it to be the biggest thing of all time for a week or two, until it fades back to obscurity. When was the last time I heard anyone talk about Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp?

Thanks for reading. Viewership this month has been greater than normal. I’m really glad to see that people are starting to take a liking to what I’m doing here. Be sure to check back tomorrow for the latest in video game news. Otherwise, have a great night!

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