Tag: xbox

CC Ep31: Gaming Hardware

The Cozy Co-op
The Cozy Co-op
CC Ep31: Gaming Hardware

Join Branden and Justine as they discusses the older-than-you-think history of gaming hardware. Complete with recommendations for current consoles.

Normally I’d post a link to purchase the game we talk about, but given the nature of the episode, I can’t do that. So here’s a link to the official OUYA store. Notice how it’s empty?

Interested in Justine’s book, King of Fools? I can be purchased for $4 as an eBook on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or on the publisher website.

The news comes from Branden, and can be found at www.thelizardrock.com
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Email us at Cozycoop@thelizardrock.com

Podcast Music: Lovr, by LizardRock
Background Music by Incompitech

thelizardrock daily news thursday

Thursday 6-21-18: No Xbox VR, Street Fighter Loot Boxes, and Pokemon Go Assault Case

I didn’t do news again. It’s been a lethargic week, honestly. But not today! Here’s the news.
  • Microsoft Moves Away from Xbox VR
  • Street Fighter 5 Gets Lootboxes
  • Men Beat up Another Over Pokemon Go

No Xbox VR

According to an interview with Gamesindustry.biz, Microsoft’s chief marketing officer of gaming Mike Nichols says that the company has no specific plans to bring VR or Mixed Reality to the Xbox consoles. This is a touch surprising to me, as the PlayStation VR continues to be one of the most accessible and affordable VR options on the market, and sony is reaping in the benefits accordingly.

Street Fighter 5 Loot Boxes

A recent update to the popular fighting game adds a somewhat controversial feature: randomized loot. Menat, one of the playable characters, has started up a fortune shop, where players can spend 500 Fight Money, the in-game currency, and you get a reading. These readings award the player with randomized items. These items, including cosmetics, can only be used in single player game modes, so this will not affect multiplayer functionality. Why add this so late is beyond me.

Pokemon Go Assault

A 71-year-old man and his adult son beat up a Pokémon Go player in Kirkwood recently. According to bystanders, the victim had accused the pair of cheating at the game and threw a Gatorade bottle into their car. This prompted the two to exit the vehicle and assault the man, one holding him down while the other struck him repeatedly. The two are facing third-degree assault charges while the victim is being treated for his injuries. Jesus Christ people, can we not just play a game without being angry at each other? The victim shouldn’t have been, forgive my language, a dickhead. But the pair of men took it way too far attacking a dude.

That’s all for today. Check back tomorrow for another news segment thing probably. I have another guest review coming, just need to format it, so stay tuned for that. Otherwise, have a great day!

thelizardrock daily news thursday

Thursday 3-29-18: Doom Updates and Red Faction Remasters

It feels more like a Friday, if you ask me. Here’s the news.
  • Doom Update Adds 4k Support
  • Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered Edition

Doom Update

Do you own a PS4 Pro or Xbox One X? Good news! A new update has launched for the two consoles that supposedly adds 4K resolution support. I haven’t played it, nor do I have a TV that supports 4K. But if you do, then I suggest giving the game another play.

Red Faction Guerrilla

THQ Nordic has announced a remaster for one of their most popular Red Faction games. This new version will launch later this year and will include such changes as improved graphics, lighting, shadows, and post-processing effects. Stay tuned for more info as it becomes available.

Thanks for reading. Today’s been exhausting. I was called into work early today. Check back tomorrow for another post about the latest in gaming. Otherwise, have a great night!

thelizardrock daily news monday

Monday 2-5-18: Space Hulk, Assassin’s Creed Hacked, Monster Hunter Rankings, Crash Bandicoot Rumors, and Overgrowth Reviews

Monday is upon us, and with it a weekend of news. Here is that news.
  • Blood Bowl Creators Announced Space Hulk: Tactics
  • Hackers Crack Assassin’s Creed: Origins
  • Monster Hunter: Worlds Top Ranked on Xbox
  • Rumors Spread of Crash Bandicoot Port/New Game
  • Overgrowth Review

Space Hulk: Tactics
Remember Blood Bowl? That nifty turn-based strategy game styled like a fantasy football match? Well the creators of that, Cyanide Studio, have announced that they are making a new Space Hulk game. This game, originally based on a board game, is a turn-based strategy game based on the Warhammer 40K universe, where space marines are clearing out giant asteroids inhabited by hostile life. This new game will not just look amazing but feature multiple campaigns, modes, and factions to choose from, complete with online multiplayer. You can see more details about it on the Official Website.

Assassin’s Crack: Origins
It’s taken popular hacker group CPY 3 months to crack the most recent Assassin’s Creed game. The title had not 1, but 3 different anti-tampering systems in place to keep the game from being pirated, and the delay is a result of that. These systems are most important during a game’s initial launch, so Ubisoft might patch the game to remove them, but its unlikely. It goes to show, no game is uncrackable.

Rankings Hunter: Xbox
The popular dino-destroying RPG has been all the buzz since its release 10 days ago. In this time, it has managed to become the number 1 spot on Xbox’s Top Paid games list, beating out PUBG. This is an incredible achievement. Even more so, in the small times, it’s been out, its already reached 7th place on Xbox’s Most Played list. Give it a few weeks and I’m sure it’ll make its way to the top there as well. Keep in mind that this is purely for Xbox and doesn’t count PS4 sales, and PC’s eventual sales, when it releases this autumnal season.

N.Sane Returns
In the most recent issue of Licensing Source Book Europe, Max Arguile, The seeds of rumors and begun to sow for Crash Bandicoot. Max Arguile, Licensing Manager for licensed merchandising company BG Eye, remarked on Crash Bandicoot and its licensed position in the next few years. He claims that Activision has a 5-year plan, and tells us to expect not only a Switch and PC for of the N.Sane Trilogy but a new Crash game in the following year. It hasn’t been confirmed how accurate this source of information is, but I am recording it for prosperity. Who knows, he may be right.

I’ve finished a new review this weekend. This time it was for Overgrowth, an action RPG about anthropomorphic animals. You can read the full details of the review here.

Thanks for reading, everyone. Expect to see another review by me here shortly. I’ll give you a hint of what it’s about, just open up your eyes to the extreme possibility. Be sure to check back tomorrow for more of the latest and greatest in video game news. Otherwise, have a great night!

Monday 9-4-17: Secret of Mana Gameplay, Xbox price cuts, and Mario Odyssey Amiibos

Monday 9-4-17

I apologize for lacking any posts over the weekend, I was as busy as I could be. As for this week, Its started out mildly so far. The Secret of Mana 3D remake has had some gameplay footage released, Xbox is dropping their prices, and the Super Mario Amiibos. More below.

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