Thursday 8-23-18: Supermassive’s 4 Games and Streamers Protesting Twitch Prime Changes

See? More news! I told you this day would come. Here is that news.
  • Until Dawn Developers Dedicated to Four Games
  • Streamers Protest Recent Twitch Prime Ad Change

Supermassive Quadrilogy

First reported by Kotaku, The developers behind Until Dawn intend to develop four games, each dedicated to classic horror movie subgenres. Formally referred to as the Dark Pictures Anthology, it began with Until Dawn, with the currently in development Man of Medan up next. I look forward to seeing what they have planned.

Twitch Turbo Changes

People were upset when Twitch announced that the partnership bonus, Twitch Prime, would be losing their ad-free feature. The service was available for anyone with Amazon Prime, offering benefits such as a free monthly sub, monthly games, and (until next month) ad-free viewing. To protest this, many partnered streamers have been disabling their ad option in protest. It’s noted that this only effects partnered streams that opt out, and the ads everywhere else on the site go purely to Twitch, and not the streamers, so they will still be present.

That’s all for today. Tune in tomorrow for another news before the weekend hits. Otherwise, have a great day!


Wednesday 8-22-18: D.Va’s Animated Short, Vive Wireless Adapter Release, and Gabe Newell’s Dota 2 Voice Pack


Friday 8-24-18: Super Mario Party Only Uses Joycons and Denuvo Developing Anti-Cheat Software

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for sharing great information. Looking forward to more great content.

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