Tuesday and it already feels like a long week. Here’s the news.
  • HTC Vive announces new HMD and Wireless Adapter
  • Subnautica announces Launch Stream

HTC Vive Stuff

HTC Vive announced a number of new goodies for the popular VR headset. The biggest of that is the Vive Pro, a higher resolution, and overall better quality Head mounted display. This also includes improved audio, and more comfortable balanced headpiece. The other item of interest is the official Vive Wireless Adapter, which does what the name implies, its a wireless adapter. You can read more about it here.

Subnautica Release

The open world alien ocean survival game will finally be leaving early access. I don’t know what exactly that entails, but the devs will be doing a live stream of the launch at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, where we will see dev interviews, a cinematic trailer, the button push, and even some real fish! The game will release 1.0 on January 23. Details here.

Long day, time to rest! Be sure to check back tomorrow for more news. Otherwise, have a great night!